Wind Dancer Logo


buttonAll pages will be created at one of the following servers of your choice. If you have your own domain registration, they can also be created there. A few of the listed servers have adds displayed at the top of their pages they provide. However, due to the amount of space that they provide, we felt that they were worth mentioning. offers 50 megabytes of space for both personal and business web pages.

buttonCrosswinds offers unlimited web space and they do not have banner adds or popups on their pages.

buttonFree Pro Hosting offers 15 megabytes of space for both business and personal pages with no popups or banner adds.

Web Page Services
Church or Christian Organization Page

1st 3 pages free
Up to 3 embeded midi files
Up to 10 hyperlinks
Guestbook Setup
Counter Setup
1 Custom background and matching buttons of choice
Additional background sets $15.00 each
Any page over 3 $10.00 each
Updates $10.00/hour
Personal Pages

1st 3 pages $50.00
Over 3 $15.00 each
Up to 3 embeded midi files
1 custom background set of choice
Additional background sets $25.00 each
Up to 10 hyperlinks
Guestbook Setup
Counter Setup
Updates $10.00/hour
Business Pages

1st 3 pages $100.00
1 custom background set of choice
Will scan your logo and make a background
set from it if you choose at no additional
Up to 20 hyperlinks
Guestbook Setup
Counter Setup
Updates $10/hour
**Note** we do not set up pages to accept
credit cards or ecommerce sites.

Scanning--scan your documents and pictures onto disk.
Keep them safe and easy to access. $35.00/disk
*Coming Soon* Scans on CD Rom
All items scanned will be returned after
being placed on disk.

Java Applets $25.00
Snow Globes $25.00
Basic Animation--banners, etc. $15.00
Banners for pages and exchanges$10.00


Please Email WindDancer us with orders or questions. We will reply to all inqiries within 24 hours. We look forward to being of service to you!

*Home*Free Graphics*Our Clients*Email*Our Personal Home Page*
*Useful Links*

Last updated on May 09, 2000 All graphics and content © 2000 by Wind Dancer Web Graphics and Design unless otherwise noted.